Saturday, January 28, 2012

Busy Season

Once October began, it seems like we had something to travel to or celebrate every weekend. I am not complaining, it has been such a joyful season of life! Our lives have slowed down a little since we got back to Denver. I am way behind, but I still have several events I want to cover!

At the end of October, Landis' WONDERFUL Maid of Honor, Kelsey Sisk , and I threw Landis a lingerie shower.  We brainstormed for months on how to make everything perfect for the bride! It was so fun.  It was the first shower I have ever had such a big part of and I am kind of addicted.  I loved dreaming about the decor and emailing back and forth with Kels several times a week, and sometimes a couple times a day!  We had a blast! I almost wish we could go back and do it all again. 

Kels had these ADORABLE cookies made by a friend to use as favors. 

We dreamed of this arrangement at the shower for the food and it did not disappoint. I loved every bit of how we decorated the basement! So fun. 

I had to include this picture of Brookie at the shower because it was just so perfect for the situation.  I love my little sis.

This was also the weekend that my brother came into town for 10 days in Nashville.  We only really got to spend one day with him on Sunday before we headed back to Denver, but it was a fun day. We went as a family and walked at Radnor and enjoyed all of the fall leaves.   I love my crazy brother!

The weekend after the shower was the first weekend in November and the weekend we celebrated David's birthday in CHICAGO! It was my first time in Chicago and it is safe to say that I fell in love with the city.  I am already dreaming about my next visit.  It was SO fun having the whole family together in the city. 

Love this. 

  We even got to decorate one of our rooms for a birthday party for David.  He's pretty easy to celebrate.

Ryan finished up his classes the Thursday before Thanksgiving so we took advantage of that and came  to Nashville.  It got me back in time to watch the FINAL Regis and Kelly with Landis before we headed off to Gatlinburg for a fun Bridesmaid weekend.  I was pretty emotional about Regis' last day.  I still really miss him. I can hardly believe he is really not coming back.  Kelly is still fabulous of course with all of her guest co-hosts, but I will always miss Reg. I would be lying if I said that I haven't watched Reg's last show more than once...and cried equally as much each time.

This is also the 2nd year that Brookie and I have ventured out to Urban Outfitters to get the crazy 50% off all sale prices! Last year we did really well and I believe this year we did even better! We were paying 75% and less for some great items! We were pretty proud of our finds.

In other highlights of the holiday season: 
This is from the day that our Martha got engaged! Her fiance arranged for us to all be waiting to have lunch with her (20+ people!) at Pucketts in downtown Franklin.  It was such a special day and I felt so honored to be a part of it!  
How perfect is he? This is Carson Grey Small. He is the firstborn of my dear friend Katie Bug Small.  I got to meet him over Christmas and fell in love. He is so sweet and cuddly and beautiful.

My mother has joined Pinterest and I LOVE it.  She is a pinning machine and always sending me pictures of ideas she has pinned and created in her house. I am so proud of her.  I always knew she had it in her, she just needed Pinterest to channel it.

I am working on 2 other posts to get all caught up on happenings lately (you know like a certain family wedding and some recent visitors).
I am hoping to get them done this week so I can be ready for the post about.....wait for it......


Stay tuned. 

Much love, 
The Simmons 

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